Effector for http calls: Svelte

The full example code can be found here The article introducing Effector with React can be found here The React example code can be found here Previously we looked at how Effector simplifies making asynchronous HTTP calls with React. I mentioned that Effector works natively with Svelte because they rely on the same primitive, Observables. The Svelte website claims to “bring reactivity to Javascript itself”, and you don’t need state management libraries anymore.
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Effector for http calls: React

The full example code can be found on Code Sandbox One of the most common tasks in a single page application is calling HTTP APIs. Things like fetching some data to show on load or submitting a form. Often to do something interesting you need to interact with an API. React hooks make dealing with asynchronous actions easier with useEffect. We’re going to look at ways we can make it even better using Effector.
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